Leading with Curiosity:

A 10-day Intuitive Eating Exploration

Reopening in January 2025!

Are you wondering if intuitive eating is right for you?

Take our FREE 10-day mini course to dip your toes into intuitive eating.

The only commitment required of you is about 15 minutes per day - go at your own pace!

How it Works

Review Daily Lesson

Every day for 10 days, receive an intuitive eating lesson (based off the 10 intuitive eating principles) delivered right to your inbox. Each lesson includes a quick, yet impactful exercise!

Complete Exercise

After reading through the lesson, complete the exercise on your own time. This course is YOURS TO KEEP with no expiration so you can refer back to the information at any time.

Are you ready to begin your intuitive eating journey?

Sign up TODAY for your FREE 10-day intuitive eating mini course.

Reopening January 2025!